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confessions and a fresh start

Fifteen months ago I created this website and blog to document my adventures in photography.  I was an amateur freshly equipped with a professional camera and the dream of turning my life long interest in photography into a real life artistic outlet.  So naturally, I blogged once and posted zero pictures.

When did time start moving so quickly?  In the last fifteen months I have laughed, smiled, cried, screamed, laughed some more, ran, traveled, loved, felt loved, danced, ate, and sang.  And along the way, I did snap some pictures, but I have to confess, I never took the time.  I did not take the time to learn my camera's functionality and I did not take the time to post.

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.  The time will pass anyway.  - Earl Nightingale

So here is to fresh starts.  Here is to making time for yourself and your passions.  I am still an amateur, and that is okay.  In an effort to jumpstart my fresh start, I have created a new Instagram account @instaamateurlens that will load directly into  My initial goal is to publish a new blog post once a week and to share a handful of new and old pictures each week.  So let's try this again.....